A quick update! post

An update on my site

Hi there everyone and no one. I haven't updated this site for quite some time (10 months or so). Certainly the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we do work and changed the world but apart from that I really just started this site to share the knowledge of PIC32MZ that I had gained through years of trial and error. I was sick of seeing useless "read the manual" and "work it out for yourself" posts by arrogant and selfish people on the microchip forums and annoyed by the tons of errors I had found in the datasheets. But now that I've written about all the stuff I wanted to share I really don't know what more to write about :)

I'm keeping the site up and I do hope it can provide a useful reference to the few people that need it. I'll also be uploading some of the schematics of stuff I've been working on in the next week or two.

Works and life have kept me busy and so I've been putting off replying to posts ("I'll get to that tomorrow") but I'll get to them today and hopefully stop being so lazy :)

Apologies if I miss out on replying to anyone's older questions the notification system here sucks!

Categories: pic32

Tags: rambling